Israel Gears Up for Ground Offensive as Tensions Escalate

Israel-Palestine Conflict

Israel-Palestine Conflict: As Israel is ready to launch a ground invasion following an unprecedented strike launched by the Palestinian organisation Hamas, more than a million people have been forced from their homes in Gaza. Israeli forces are currently awaiting political approval before beginning a ground invasion.

Israel’s Response to Hamas Strikes and China’s Diplomatic Challenge

Hamas targeted Israel’s civilians last weekend, which caught Israel off guard. In retaliation, Israel also carried out airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, which is ruled by Hamas, stripping it of its resources and cutting off its supply of food and power. As an increasingly assertive Beijing is requested to assist de-escalate the bloodshed, China prepared on Monday to host delegates from 130 countries for a summit that will be overshadowed by the Israel-Gaza conflict. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, who is attending China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) event for the first time since the invasion of Ukraine forced his government into exile internationally, is at the top of the list of guests.

Ground Invasion Looms in Response to Deadly Strikes

In preparation for a ground invasion, the Israeli military has gathered armoured vehicles near Gaza. In reprisal for the strikes on October 6 that left more than 1,400 Israelis dead and hundreds kidnapped, Israel claims it is striking back at Hamas and focusing on its operatives and operational hubs. Israel has been forewarned by US Vice President Joe Biden that a protracted Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip “would be a big mistake.” Biden also thought about visiting Israel, to which the US has vowed its steadfast support in light of that nation’s ongoing conflict with Hamas.

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