United States to have a its first woman admiral

United States

United States: President Joe Biden has declared he will nominate Admiral Lisa Franchetti as the next chief of the US Navy. If confirmed, Franchetti will become the second four-star general of the US Armed Forces.

First woman to serve as US Navy chief

Lisa Franchetti besides becoming the first woman chief of the US Navy will also be the first woman to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. President Biden said in a statement, “Franchetti will bring 38 years of dedicated service to our nation as a commissioned officer, including in her current role of Vice Chief of Naval Operations.” He added, “She is the second woman ever to achieve the rank of four-star admiral in the United States Navy, and when confirmed, she will again make history as the first woman to serve as the Chief of Naval Operations and on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

Will the Republicans support her?

The current US Navy chief, Mike Gilday will retire next month after completing his four-year tenure. However, it is unclear whether Franchetti would be confirmed by the Senate by that time.

Unlike India where the Parliament has little control over appointments to key executive positions, in the US the Congress has significant clout over these roles.

Republican Tommy Tuberville has stalled several key military appointments in the past reflecting his party’s position on the abortion issue. Tuberville is in the Senate where the Republicans have a significant majority.

Referring to the Republicans’ opposition, President Biden said, “In this moment of rapidly evolving security environments and intense competition, he (Toberville) is risking our ability to ensure that the United States Armed Forces remain the greatest fighting force in the history of the world. And his Republican colleagues in the Senate know it.”

Republicans oppose the Pentagon’s decision to assist troops who have to travel for abirtions or other reproductive care.

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