Pakistan at it Again! India Spotlights Pakistan’s ‘Dark Corners’ At UN in Response to Kashmir Claims


UNSC: At the UN Human Rights Council today, India firmly refuted Pakistan‘s accusations on Jammu and Kashmir, stating that a nation with such a “abysmal” record shouldn’t meddle in the domestic affairs of another country. India asserted its “Right to Reply,” claiming that Pakistan lacked the authority to remark on internal Indian affairs.

India’s Firm Assertion

“The Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are an integral and inalienable part of India,” declared India’s first secretary, Anupama Singh, at the 55th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council. She expressed regret that the council has once more been abused to spread inaccurate accusations against India.

“With regard to the extensive references to India made by Pakistan, we note that it is deeply unfortunate for the Council’s platform to have once again been misused to make patently false accusations against India,” Anupama Singh said.

Denouncing Hypocrisy on Human Rights

The envoy from India drew attention to the hypocrisy of Pakistan’s position by calling their record on human rights “truly abysmal.” She brought up a specific incident of August 2023 persecution at Jaranwala city, where 89 Christian homes were set on fire and 19 churches were demolished.

“A country that has institutionalized the systemic persecution of its own minorities and has a truly abysmal human rights record, commenting on India, which is demonstrably making great strides in achieving economic progress and social justice, is not merely ironical but perverse,” she said.

Pakistan’s Alleged Support for Terrorism

Singh also called attention to Pakistan’s abetting of terrorists who had received UNSC sanction and charged that nation with worldwide terrorism sponsorship. She said in closing that India cannot continue to focus on a nation whose national balance sheets are heavily indebted, its people feel ashamed that their government is failing to represent their interests, and its blood is stained red from terrorist attacks.

Duration of UNHRC Meeting

The current UNHRC meeting is scheduled to last until April 5 and started on February 26. The conversation between Pakistan and India is a part of a larger diplomatic conversation between the two countries.

India had emphasised in August of the previous year that regular relations with Pakistan required an atmosphere free from hostilities and terror. The Ministry of External Affairs had stated that it was important to have a climate free from terrorism and that it wished for normal neighbourly ties.

Jaishankar’s Perspective on Pakistan’s Destiny

S Jaishankar, India’s minister of external affairs, has previously stated in an interview that Pakistan’s destiny depends on its decisions and actions. He made the argument that Pakistan must find a solution to its economic problems, which include declining foreign exchange reserves, rising inflation, and a significant depreciation of its currency.

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