Uttarakhand News: CM Dhami Forecasts Economic Boost and Job Opportunities Post Global Investors Summit 2023

Uttarakhand News

Uttarakhand News: The Global Investors Summit 2023, which took place in Uttarakhand on December 8 and 9, is now over. State Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has made a significant assertion in this regard. It has been stated on behalf of CM Dhami that the Global Investors Summit 2023 will boost investment in the state and provide young people new job opportunities.

Economic Impact of Increased Investment

In addition, the state’s economy will be impacted by the rise in investment, and Uttarakhand’s economic structure will be further reinforced to enable the completion of other development projects. Pushkar Singh Dhami, the chief minister of Uttarakhand, has staked a significant claim following the inaugural Global Investors Summit 2023. He has made it clear that after this summit is organised, there will be more investment in the state, which will bolster its economy even more. Youth employment opportunities will also increase with increased investment. In addition, the Global Investors Summit will benefit the state’s overall development process.

MOUs with Industrial Firms

The state government of Uttarakhand has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with multiple industrial firms valued at Rs 3.5 lakh crore during the Uttarakhand Global Investors Summit 2023. Additionally, CM Dhami has been quoted in this information. Home Minister Amit Shah had stated during his remarks at the programme yesterday that the goal of the initiative was to attract Rs 2 lakh crore in investment. However, investors chose to make significant investments in Uttarakhand after realising the state’s growing potential; as a result, the total amount invested has reached Rs 3.5 lakh crore.

PM Modi’s Appeal at Inauguration

PM Modi opened the Uttarakhand Global Investors Summit in 2023. He made an appeal to the titans of industry to fund Devbhoomi during this time. Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, encouraged investors to fund Devbhoomi during the program’s closing ceremony.

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